Victorian Local Government CEO appointments since the year 2000
One of the most important decisions that a Council must make is the appointment of its Chief Executive Officer (CEO). A capable and competent CEO is crucial to the overall wellbeing of the organisation.
The CEO is the only staffing position that the Councillors appoint.
The Local Government Act section 94A, Functions of the Chief Executive Officer specifies that;
(1) A Chief Executive Officer is responsible for -
(a) establishing and maintaining an appropriate organisational structure for the council; and
(b) ensuring that the decisions of the Council are implemented without undue delay; and
(c) the day to day management of the council’s operations in accordance with the Council plan; and
(ca) developing, adopting and disseminating a code of conduct for Council staff; and
(d) providing timely advice to the Council.
(da) ensuring that the council receives timely and reliable advice about its legal obligations under this (Local Government) Act and any other Act; and
(db) supporting the Mayor in the performance of the Mayor’s role as Mayor; and
(e) carrying out the Council’s responsibilities as a deemed employer with respect to Councillors, as deemed workers, which arise under or with respect to the Accident Compensation Act 1985 or the Workplace Injury rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013; and
(f) performing any other function or duty of the Chief Executive Officer specified in this (Local Government) Act or any other Act.
(2) The Chief Executive Officer may appoint as many members of Council staff as are required to enable the functions, of the Council under this (Local Government) Act or any other Act to be carried out and to enable the Chief Executive Officer to carry out her or his functions.
(3) The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for appointing, directing, managing and dismissing Council staff and for all other issues that relate to Council staff.
(3A) The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for managing interactions between Council staff and Councillors including by ensuring that appropriate policies, practices and protocols are in place defining appropriate arrangements for interaction between Council staff and Councillors.
(4) A reference to Council staff in this section does not include a reference to the Chief Executive Officer.
The CEO position carries a huge amount of responsibility and accountability, to the Councillors and Council employees.
Since the year 2000 there have been numerous appointments to the role of CEO within the Victorian Local Government sector, and we have been able to (as best we can) track such appointments.
Key Observations
1 Council has had one permanent CEO since the year 2000.
11 Councils have made two permanent CEO appointments since the year 2000.
21 Councils have made three permanent CEO appointments since the year 2000.
23 Councils have made 5 or more permanent CEO appointments since the year 2000.
CEO turnover has increased significantly in recent years, highlighted by the following:
In the past 2 years (since the beginning of 2017), 36 Victorian councils (45%) have had a change of CEO.
Over the past 5 years, Victoria’s 79 councils have had a total of 134 individuals as CEO.
9 councils (11%) have had 3 CEOs in 5 years.
This year the sector loses three of the five longest standing CEOs, having commenced their current roles in 2000, 2007 and 2009.
Have you been through a CEO Recruitment process?
Did your Council establish a committee of Councillors to oversee the process or was it a whole of Council approach?
Is your CEO from the sector or was it an external appointment and is there any real difference?
Why has CEO turnover been so high in recent years?
We would love to hear your thoughts and views on the role of the CEO, let us know in the comments section below.
We maintain a detailed database of CEO movements across the entire Victorian sector.
If you would like more details regarding CEO movements in your Council or across Victorian Local Government, contact